7:45 PM
by Miss Scarlet
***Super busy with work to write much this summer***
6:42 PM
by Miss Scarlet
There is actually an article in the July 2003 issue of YM about the Foo Fighters and life on tour.
Favorite quotes:
"When he (Taylor) drinks a Coke, he sucks it out of the bottle like it's a cow's teat" ~Dave
"I like hearing, "Mr. Peanut, it's 8:30. Time to wake up." ~Dave
9:22 PM
by Miss Scarlet
8:00 PM
by Miss Scarlet
I also got to see the interview on MTV thanks to my sister.
4:14 PM
by Miss Scarlet
Here's a funny interview of Jennifer Aniston conducted by none other than Dave Grohl.
6:08 PM
by Miss Scarlet
What the hell are Dave Grohl & Jack Black doing?
Watch Dave and JB¹s home movies...This is great:
Where's the kielbasa?!
That platinum wig-oh dear.
5:08 PM
by Miss Scarlet
The Foo Fighters were on Craig Kilburn last nite and because I was out I had to tape it. Well, I watched it earlier today and I'm seriously considering typing it out on here bc I was laughing so hard! haha!
1:04 PM
by Miss Scarlet
I think that for Mother's Day I am going to make my mom a Foo Fighters mix CD. She has this fondness for them as a result of the following:
Back in 2000 when they played at the Black Cat I managed to get the LAST ticket to the show. And if you aren't bright let me point out that that means I got one ticket and therefore could not take anyone with me. Well, this was before my days of going to the Black Cat all the time and it was also when the neighborhood was still on the sketchy side and my dad didnt' want me driving alone. So, My mom took me (yeah yeah I was 20, shut up) and she was going to drop me off then go find a bar or restuarant to hang out in. But the area, like I said, was crappy and there was nowhere to go so she came back and hung out with me in line. Then when we got to the door she asked if she could just go to the bar side, oh and this is the old Black Cat before it was 2 levels, and they said yes. So while I secured my spot up front and proceeded to have the most amazing 2.5 hours of my life, my mom hung out in the Red Room and made friends with the bartenders and sound guy. Such good friends (hehe) that they said she could go in and watch if she wanted to even though it was at capacity and totally sold out. But my adorable mom declined and since then whenever she hears them on the radio she reminsces and says how she wishes she had gone in to watch. We were going to go see them together at the Patriot Center last week but she decided she'd be too tired from work so I went alone...yes, alone. Haha. But yeah, she loves the Foo Fighters now!